

Being humble will be your biggest asset

By | Motivation, Motivational Messages, News-Feed | 5 Comments

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Hi , You might think I'm about to talk about how being humble in general is so important to be successful and live a great life, but it's not the case in this blog post. Being humble can also draw parallels with willing to be vulnerable. It will be your biggest asset to start any project, because we don’t always know everything (rarely, actually), and we have to be able to place ourselves in the hot water and under the projector even though we don’t really know what to do. If you want something bad enough Read More

Experimental Post – Food for Thought 01

By | Motivation, Motivational Messages, News-Feed | 23 Comments

Experimental post: I recorded myself while writing this blog post. I just went with the flow and wrote whatever I had in mind. Let me know what you think of it, because it’s pretty different, but at least you can read the post as I was writing it with the kind of music I was listening to!

Hi , This is the first post of it's kind, and I'm super excited! Food for Thought is a new kind of blog post where I'll share everything that's going on in my mind, or what I experience. As you might know, I'm quite young and I've had my fair share of experiences in my life. Some people say success, but I really don't like saying that word, because really though, what is success? How can we measure it? How can we define it? Is it universal? What the fuck does success even mean? I don't know... However, what I do know is Read More